The Player Characters Alexander Roesone and Kareem Wali-jabbar had a chance encounter with Seoras of the Crystal Staff who directed them to travel to the Shadow World. Alexander and Kareem then encountered a very upset Moon God who demanded that they return his stolen sword immediately. And that dear reader was how the cat got out of the bag. Oh it had all been milk and marmalade for the Player Characters. Why didn’t the Stormlord do more against Alexander Roesone? What would you have done dear reader? Slain Alexander outright for the act of murder? Does not an eye for an eye leave us all blind?
Alexander Roesone was spared his life but stripped of his clerical power. The Player Characters wondered: why didn’t the god also take Alexander’s holdings or possessions? Those material things are kinda beneath a god’s notice so it is kind of insulting that you dear reader even had such questionable thoughts. For if Alexander would have been slain in retribution what lesson could he have been taught? None, so second chance was given and for that Duke Nightmare will make them pay.
But what was the real importance of the quest to retrieve the sword that Kareem had sold in the Infernal Bazaar: that Haelyn and Rournil got to lay their very own eyes upon Duke Nightmare and the Shade. And that dear reader is how the cat got out of the bag and dear reader if you could hear it now, Duke Nightmare would be screaming for Seoras’ head on a pike. You know; to put on the front lawn to look pretty.
If only dear reader, Seoras of the Crystal Staff had never directed the Player Characters to the Shadow World at the same time that two gods were meeting they might have had a few more years of obscurity. What could be the odds. On a related note for the Player Characters, Seoras Bhailie is Hermedhie’s father (so there is that to look forward too). I would figure Seoras of the Crystal Staff to be a planeswalker of some talent; obviously not level 30 but well over level 20.
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