Sunday, September 26, 2010

The State of Things

Place: The Hall of the Cloud Giant King

CGK: The Cloud Giant King
CM: The Planeswalker known as the Cloud Mage

Scene 1
[CGK sits on a throne, when CM appears out of nowhere, standing motionless]

CGK: ah, my old friend has come! Why do you stand there as such? Come friend I have news for you! What is this? Why do you not respond, what has become of you? What queer apparition is this to appear before me? Slayer of Tran’ix, Master of the South Wind, Dominator of the Sky, who dares to stand speechless before me? Answer now or I will have your tongue!

CM: I responded to your call and I know what must be done, farewell old friend.

[CGK rises from his throne]

CGK: That is not what you are supposed to say! But could it be, that in your time spent journeying the outerworlds might you have the power to part the shadows? Could now be the time for man to get his revenge? Tell me old friend, what must I do, what can I do?

[CM moves his head to look around]

CM: Keep on living.

[CGK rises from his throne]

CGK: You dare to speak to me like that? I will summon my hammer and strike you down, letting you know the fury of the Thor!

[With that, CGK summons a powerful two-handed hammer and moves to strike CM but CGK is frozen mere feet from striking the human wizard]

[CM begins to hover, then moving to leave out of a window]

CGK: I must tell the Master of Magic what has happened.

Scene 2

We see the Could Mage leave the beautiful castle built upon clouds in the sky, heading ever upward, moving between layers of existence to arrive in the Shadow World. There the Cloud Mage makes haste, moving to the most dominate landmark on the horizon: that of the Cold Rider. The Cold Rider stands miles tall, pure white, with devil red eyes and it is those eyes that light up with the power of a thousand suns and burn the Cloud Mage as he approaches.

The question has been posed before in other places: in space, can you hear a person scream? Well dear reader, we are not here to answer that so how about we phrase the question more suited to our topic: in the Shadow World can anyone here you scream? And the answer dear reader is a simple yes: yes you can hear the Cloud Mage scream. The Cloud Mage screams because not only is his life being drained from him, but his very essence as well.

But who dear reader could hear the death knell of the Cloud Mage (considered to be the most powerful wizard ever known)? The answer can be found in the odd unnatural occurrence that happened when the Cloud Giant King’s message was received. The night sky lit up with the Moon in full effect, and then followed by the rising sun but that was not all: with the full Moon and the sun the stars began to shine bright. And that dear reader was the effect of the coming together of three of the most power deities, to late to intervene but able to bear witness to the death of perhaps their most powerful mortal champion. The Cloud Mage killed by the Cold Rider.

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