Saturday, August 27, 2011

Gozer the Gozerian

The agents of Uranus had infiltrated the prime material world to prepare the coming of the Elder Sky God. Titans once that had fought the oppression of Uranus now serve has trusted allies; two elder Titans; children of Uranus himself: Themis and Mnemosyne. Both of these daughters of Uranus were once allies to the Olympian powers and one-time lovers of the God of Gods, Zeus. But Zeus eventually spurned both of the Titans and cursed them down to Tartarus to dwell with the other Titans.

Over time Themis and Mnemosyne would find that buried under Mount Othrys was the Elder Sky God. After being defeated by his son Cronus, Uranus would fall into the bowels of hell. Uranus dwelt for such a long time in Tartarus that mountains formed on top of him and eventually the Titans forgot all about him. Mnemsyne, the Titan with the domain over memory guided by Themis, who’s domain is justice. These Titans sought out the Elder Sky God for vengeance upon both the other Titans and the Olympian gods. But it took the whimsical nature of a mortal to help bring about the resurrection of the Master of the Sky.

While Duke Nightmare was considered a mortal by most; the Duke saw himself as a minor godling that if given the opportunity to acquire more bloodpower thru bloodtheft could rise to the state of a bloodmonster. But why such talk of blood dear reader? Well you know the answer of course; the blood of the old gods flowed thru the veins of Duke Nightmare granting him evil and divine power. But it was not these powers that were needed to help give rise to the Elder Sky God. What was most important was Duke Nightmare’s ability to travel thru dimensions and planes of existence.

With the aide of Duke Nightmare, Themis and Mnemosyne where able to move a black stone acropolis to the prime material world. The black acropolis had been mined and constructed by cyclope slaves digging out the body of Uranus from underneath Mount Othrys. Once the black acropolis arrived on the prime material world, Uranus was able to reconstruct himself into the form we are now familiar with. Uranus would appear as a man-like being over a hundred foot tall, all back but covered in dot-like decorations that appeared to be celestial bodies, stars, and other stellar phenomenon.

Since that time Duke Nightmare has given rise to both Captain Holocaust and the Mantaipede. Mnemosyne would be tasked with finding out the history of Gozer, the Gozerian. Themis would be tasked with finding an appropriate way to lure Zeus out for defeat. Uranus would spread his avatars around the cosmos seeking allies and looking to gain power.

To test his, well god-like power, Uranus chose several targets to steel prowess. The odd creature calling itself a god on layer 222 of the Abyss, the Ichor Entity. The undead god that plagues the Shadow Realm, the Cold Rider. And an abnormal creature seeking to destroy the entire material world, Gozer the Gozerian. Each of these targets would test Uranus in different ways and prepare him for the confrontation with Gods and Titans.

So after all that dear reader are you ready to learn about Gozer the Gozerian? I am sure you are. Mnemosyne can find stories about the Gozer dating back to three thousand years. In that time Gozer had spread like a cancer thru the lands of the Hittites, Mesopotamia, and Sumeria. Given enough time Gozer would have spread to the Egypt. The various gods in the regions being over taken by Gozer are weak and unable to directly confront the Gozerian. In classic Gozer style; the Gozerian has unleashed demi-god like creatures that bring promises of power and wealth. But most understand that the Gozerian is going to destroy them one way or another so better to serve instead of being devoured.

If things like satellite photography were available; one could see that Gozer the Gozerian appears to be a pimple on the face of the Earth. A ghastly cancer growing and given enough time might consume the entire world. Mnemosyne learns the awful truth that the Gozerian had done this before too worlds and has proper defenses. So much like the Ichor Entity and the Cold Rider, the Gozerian has the ability to project itself into other creatures possession their bodies and infusing them with power. But unlike the Ichor Entity who helped creatures in a symbiotic relationship, merging itself and the host creature into a new super combination or the Cold Rider who could provide the benefits that unlife can bring; Gozer the Gozerian filled the possessed creatures with such power that they would either burn themselves out or be eventually consumed by the godling. Fore Gozer the Gozerian was a hungry god and ate any and everything.

Entire villages in the Sumeria region would begin to worship Gozer. They would perform strange ceremonies all day and night until the Gozerian would grow like a cancer and move to consume that village. The villagers would welcome the Gozerian and embrace the greasy-fatty lump that was the godling. Gozer would absorb these followers alive with the promise they would be a part of the Gozerian for eternity. And what of those that would not follow the Gozerian? Well the lumpy fatty body of the godling would move across the land: swallowing up all the fertile land, drinking up streams and lakes, and consuming anything that got in its way. There would be an exodus of people from the region.

Given enough time Gozer would spread into Egypt Gozer would come into competition with an old god seeking a new power base. But dear reader Uranus would assault the Gozerian before that conflict would arise so it is better for everyone to keep the mystery foe in Egypt a secret. Maybe in another life we will travel to Egypt dear reader.

So would there be a grand raid against the Gozerian? Calling upon the allied armies of Uranus? The demons, gnolls, dragons, and undead minions of dozen of other powers united under the banner of the Elder Sky God? No, for this battle Uranus is going to have to bring out a DragonBall tactic and defeat Gozer the Gozerian down the last cell of its being. So you might be asking yourself dear reader; why is Uranus not planning on absorbing the Gozerian?

Imagine that the Ichor Entity was pure chaos taken form, but breed in a world of fungus, slime, and ooze the Ichor Entity simply took on the form of what it was around. Quite possibly if the Ichor Entity had taken refuge in the Iron Waste of the Abyss; the Ichor Entity might have taken the form of a living blizzard, an ice dragon, or any number of other possibilities. Imagine that the all-knowing Uranus got into a fight with the Cold Rider knowing that it would take Haelyn’s intervention to win. Now Imagine that Uranus might not want to absorb some awful creature that debases itself by crawling around on the Earth consuming petty mortals. I imagine dear reader, that Uranus as Master of the Sky does not like that the horrific Gozer has grown so large as to be an actual landmark. Gozer is taking up reality in Uranus’ eye sight and that is enough of an offense as any for the Elder Sky God to strike down vengeful wrath.

So what more needs to be said about Gozer the Gozerian? What kind of description of the conflict between Uranus and Gozer is needed? Maybe Uranus made it rain fire for seven days and seven nights turning the area into a vast desert. Maybe Uranus caught a solar flare off the sun and used it as a whip to lance Gozer off of the map. Maybe the oldest of olds simply desired for Gozer to be gone and Gozer was gone. Nah, it was the raining fire. Seven days and nights of hell fire did destroy the Gozerian and purge the taint of the godling from the lands. The cleansing nature of fire in action; raining from the sky.

Next: the enemy of my enemy is my enemy too


Maybe: no rival for my rival’s rival

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

The Tangle with the Cold Rider or the Second All Saints War

An Avatar of Uranus had been in the Unseelie Court helping the Dark Queen Lussina expand her portfolio. Uranus delighted at the Dark Queen’s Wild Hunt: a group of several hundred Unseelie both live and undead that stalk the mortal world and in particular the Unseelie’s hatred of the immortal elves. Uranus has helped expand Lussina’s goal from simply killing her mother to complete control of the Shadow Realm.

After the defeat of the Ichor Entity; Uranus projects himself to the Shadow Realm. Now dominating the landscape are two huge figures. One the most common sight, the Cold Rider, stands one hundred feet high and looks to be a statue carved of pure ivory or alabaster. The Cold Rider appears to be cloaked in a veil of mist but closer inspection will reveal that the Cold Rider is surrounded by shadow spirits and demons that move over him in a blanket of shrieking souls wailing in lament. The second figure is that of Uranus; standing one hundred feet tall and appearing all black with dot-like decorations that appear to be stars, galaxies, and other stellar phenomenon.

Several other figures would appear on the horizon; the young wizard Ruornil, the noble knights Haelyn and Cuiraecen, and the druid Erik. They would watch the conflicts first blows and witness the strength of the Cold Rider. Uranus struggles under the undead might of the Cold Rider, fore curse of Azari that gave rise to the Shadow Realm gave rise to the power of the Cold Rider. If not for Uranus incredible power, the Cold Rider might be able to defeat the Elder Sky God but it stands in a stalemate. The gods of the mortals watch on.

Now dear reader this is when you say, well something must be done. But whom dear reader could intervene? Could it be that Uranus is struck in such a struggle that he cannot call out for aid? This is when perhaps the greatest aid to our story advancement Sephiroth, the Arch Lich helps move the story along. The Master of the Past and Present, Sephiroth, tries to approach the gods in the Shadow Realm. But that dear reader is when Sephiroth is besieged by perhaps the greatest story line derailed; Seoras of the Crystal Staff interrupts.

A grand wizard’s duel begins between Sephiroth and Seoras. Most of gods do not pay attention; the struggle between Uranus and the Cold Rider compels their attention. But the wizard Ruornil spies the conflict between the wizards and believes correctly that the agent of his daughters is probably more of a bane than a benefit. The god of arcane magic Ruornil interrupts the wizards and demands answers to his questions. While Seoras tries to waste Ruornil’s time; Sephiroth merely pleads that this is best chance to slay the Cold Rider.

Eventually Ruornil would accept Sephiroth’s plea and try to persuade the gods of the mortals to intervene and attack the Cold Rider. Cuiraecen would not budge to aid anyone associated with his enemies in the mortal world. The same goes to the druidic god Erik whom had recently lost control of a major portion of groves on the mortal world. Haelyn stood silently and stoically.

Any chance for intervention seemed lost and Ruornil contemplated unleashing vast magic energies directly at the Cold Rider when a ray of hope began to shine. Appearing on the horizon, the rising sun seemed to shine light into the Shadow Realm. But really it was the coming of Avani, god of the sun. The grand goddess moved close to the conflict between Uranus and the Cold Rider and began to funnel energy into Uranus. With the increase in strength the tides seemed to turn.

The Cold Rider seemed to shudder under the strain of Uranus. The pure alabaster form of the Cold Rider began to crack and some chips fell off. While this might have signaled the end of the Cold Rider it was the beginning of something very worse. The destructive energies between Uranus and the Cold Rider eventually would explode and the ivory body of the Cold Rider would give way. Underneath the white marble exterior the Cold Rider hide the true form of Azari.

In the wake of the explosion Uranus and Avani stood motionless waiting what would come next. The new form of Azari was that of a hundred foot tall demon, of the purest black, brimming with spikes, with leathery wings, and a massive tail. The reborn Azari would hold out two clawed hands and then open them palm ward toward Uranus and Avani. The pair of gods seemed to be caught in some horrible crippling energy beam that was sucking the essence of their very begin from them.

Something had to be done and Haelyn would act. The noble god of war would move to charge Azari, sinking his sword deep into the beast. The reborn Azari would wheel back, with the sword still stuck in the foul demon, and begin a death wail. All the dark energies of Azari began to flow into Haelyn, First it seemed as if the could of evil spirits that once surrounded the Cold Rider begin to be drawn into Haelyn’s mouth. Then the very body of the reborn Azari begins to turn into a black miasma and that too is drawn into Haelyn’s mouth. Then it seems as if the shadows that make up the bleak landscape of the Shadow Realm begin to flow into Haelyn’s mouth as well.

It seems that Haelyn ate up all the evil in the Shadow Realm and has given rise to a rebirth of the Spirit Realm. Gone are the loaming shadows and horrid landscape. Now replacing it is a beautiful world of grass and tress, pure lakes and skies. But Haelyn is changed as well. Maybe the curse of Azari still lingers in the bloodtheft that had just occurred on the cosmic scale. Haelyn’s eyes filled with rage and if it not for the aid of Uranus, Haelyn would have struck down Avani for her bloodpower. And in that very uncharacteristically chival move Uranus inspires something deep within Haelyn and there is no better way to explain it then; in a fit of rage Haelyn teleports away to brood over what has happened.

Uranus will explain to Avani that he was tasked by the mortals of this realm to defeat the Cold Rider and is glad the task is accomplished. Appearing to be the most noble and just of the gods Uranus appeals to Avani to protect this new Spirit Realm as well as the realm of the mortals. But if only Avani would know what evils Uranus had helped sow in both the Spirit Realm and the mortal realms before departing. Uranus makes it appear that he departs after the defeat of the reborn Azari but the Elder Sky God will not let any corner of the universe slip past his grasp.

So what happens next dear reader? What of the agents of Azari on the mortal world like the Gorgon? Well those are excellent questions for another time. But what is next for Uranus is to travel back to his home realm to defeat yet another would be godling.

Monday, August 22, 2011

The Raid on the Ichordeep

The Elder Sky God dispatched an avatar to the insane city of Xhubhullosk located on layer 222 of the Infinite Abyss known as Shedaklah to move the acquired demon Yibyiru closer to the area known as Ichordeep where the Ichor Entity dwells. The old man avatar of Uranus would travel across the ghastly landscape with his demon hostage in tow. Eventually the Avatar would stop and begin to summon his newly acquired allies. And thus dear reader did the evil armies of many realms did combine to take the field under the name of Uranus.

The Grand Sultan of the Effert would send an army under the command of Firebeard Blackaxe consisting of two dozen Efferti lancers riding nightmares and one hundred janni pikemen lead by a dozen Efferti crossbowmen. The Dark God Zaltec sent a company of several hundred jaguarmen; mortals elevated to an immortal status that look more beast then man now. Captain Holocaust, atop his nightmare mount, led a clutch of dracolichs. The New Dragon God would go all out and summon all the Dragon Highlords* for the battle. Yeenoghu sends an army of hundreds of gnolls and demons; such things as goristro siege towers, gnoll marauders, bulezau berserkers, and maybe some giant slaves tossed in for good measure. Yeenoghu also dispatches his vassal Doresain, the King of the Ghouls who brings several hundred simple ghouls and ghasts lead by true ghouls (some with priestly and arcane magic). And thus did the armies of Uranus did begin to clash with the creatures and followers of the Ichor Entity.

Now this is where the action is for everyone save a few. The dracolichs, dragons, efferti lancers, and whatever else take to the air. The gnolls and the demons begin the general land invasion with the jaguarmen and ghouls being used as elite forces. The Avatar would lead a special strike force into the heart of the Ichordeep to slay the Ichor Entity.

What kind of things did the raid fight you might ask dear reader? Things like the Fungus Knights, creatures created by the Ichor Entity. Man like creatures would be grown in cocoon like structures found in the Ichordeep. Eventually they would sprout forth and grow more, eventually growing wings and develop sharp claws, talons, and beaks. There were also the Ichor Guardians; again man like creatures that grow four limbs. The Guardians almost attack like a gorilla, running using all four limbs then pouncing to hold down their victim. The Ichor Guardians have beak like heads that they use to pierce into their victims that are pinned downed. Now dear reader I have describe just two of the creatures the Ichor Entity has spawned to protect itself**.

The Ichor Entity also acquired followers and gave power to other creatures in return for favors, tribute, and service. Of course dear reader any power in the Abyss can attract demons who do not wish to serve in the Blood War and the Ichor Entity has gathered quite a nice collection of demons and augmented their power considerably. A few mortal followers have joined the side of the Ichor Entity. Some were the insane mortals stuck on layer 222 who sought refuge in the Ichordeep and have since come to worship the Ichor Entity as a god. Others might have been draw from other planes to the Ichordeep for the offer of power from the Ichor Entity.

Now dear reader you might be asking what are these other creatures getting from the Ichor Entity. And that is a good question. Some of the demons are given the raw power of the Abyss in the form of items crafted from the very Ichor Entity. Think of swords or magic items that the Entity would project out of itself creating powerful tools that demons or mortals to could use but under the control of the Entity. While others dear reader where infused with the Ichor Entity itself; an almost merging of the Entity with the creature***.

While the crazy battle ensued the Avatar of Uranus and his company would battle their way thru the Ichordeep and search out the heart of the Ichor Entity. Now what happened next would be epic indeed dear reader. And don’t you wish you could have been there yourself? Well let us ask one that did witness the event: a one Captain Holocaust. CH, “well, I am not sure but some how the Old Man gained control of everything and made it all go away.” Thanks Captain Holocaust. Well can we at least find out who else witnessed the event? CH, “yeah, some hot chick showed up.”

The Avatar of Uranus led the demon Yibyiru to the heart of the Ichor Entity. The Avatar chose only Captain Holocaust to act as his guard while escorting the demon. But when the trio found the heart of the Ichor Entity, the Avatar summoned a very attractive young woman who would assist in performing some dark ceremony. It was as if they where channeling the ancient power of Uranus and Yibyiru (who might have been the first ruler of layer 222) to gain control of the entire layer of the Abyss. Now dear reader you might be asking about the other demon powers on layer 222; then dear reader you did not take into count the power of the Elder Sky God.

Nevertheless Uranus needs the now young Baba Yaga’s help to focus his power thru Yibyiru to gain complete control of the layer and thus be able to simply absorb all of the Ichor Entity’s power. And that dear reader is exactly what Uranus does. All the Ichor Entity magic weapons and items, the Fungus Knights and Ichor Guardians, and the infused creatures all become gooey, slimy, and ooze like. These piles of ooze and slime would then begin to move towards the Avatar who would begin to collect the power of the Ichor Entity. As the Avatar began to collect power; his form would change. The Avatar would give way to the rise of the Elder Sky God’s true form; that of a hundred foot tall man-like creature of all black but with dots-like decorations that appear to be stars and galaxies.

And that dear reader is how Uranus would test his power and come to destroy a creature that would dare to be a god. With the infused since of power both physically and spiritually Uranus begins his next move toward reclaiming his birthright. And could you guess what might be next dear reader? How about a battle with the Cold Rider?


* At the time of this writing there are five Dragon Highlords but with Captain Holocaust leading the dracolichs that comprises the faction of the Red Army. The Black Army would be lead by Dragon Highlord Deth, the Green Army by Rhoube Manslayer, the Blue Army by Stiele Ghieste, and the White Army by the High Cleric Kareem.

** and *** these both remind me of the AI Deus from the Shadowrun game. Both could creature whatever fantastic creature they wanted. The Deus was using things like drones and cyber-creatures with humans being controlled thru datawear. The Ichor Entity was growing his own troopers and infusing himself directly into other creatures. And I am sure dear reader you would have loved to fought both of these creatures in each respected game.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Ten Footsteps Taken At the Same Time

The First stands and rises from a throne not his own, but where he had been ruling a kingdom of monsters for one that had awakened him from eons of sleep. The First moves to the center of the throne room and looks around for the returned duke. But the duke is in a new form, twisted by the dark curse of the gods, the duke is now truly a blood-monster. The First greets the returning duke and has him reclaim his throne. Maybe it was the First or the duke himself; but either way the creature once known as Duke Nightmare is now the Mantaipede; blood-monster, King of the Underground Forest, Dragon High Lord of the Red Army, Prince of the Unseelie, and bane to all that is good. The First solidifies his alliance with the Mantaipede; making sure that the Mantaipede and his armies will be there when the Master of the Sky calls for them.

The Second takes heavy steps thru a murky swamp. The Second could easily walk above the thick terrain or even pass thru it magically, but the Second almost enjoys the awkward and treacherous travel. The Second would finally make his way to a clearing where a lone hut sits surrounded by a perimeter lined with sticks each capped with a skull. The magical protection of the skulls cannot keep the Second out and the old man passes by the skulls and up to the door of the hut. No secret can be kept for long from the Master of the Sky and the Second uses a series of hand gestures, knocking on the door in a particular pattern. The Second would make his way thru the hut, passing many strange and extraordinary sights to find the old woman of the hut. The Second wasted no time in simply parley with the old woman, instead of the normal pleasantries that might go with a negotiation the Second simply granted the old woman’s deepest desire. And this is how it came that the wicked which Baba Yaga was given her youth back and came to server the Master of the Sky.

The Third had been standing on the elegant and elaborate bridge the crossed over a very special lake. The lake drew its water from a spring but this spring was pure energy itself. Fore this lake and spring sit in the Court of the Unseelie, the dark fairies of the Shadow World. The Third had been staying in the Court as guest to the Queen of the Unseelie herself. The Queen had asked for the aid of the Master of the Sky to defeat the Unseelie’s greatest enemy; that of the good-aligned Seelie. The Third had not given the Dark Queen an answer yet and stood gazing at the waters in the lake for sometime. In a place where time is not of great importance, the Queen of the Unseelie grows impatient and summons the Third and demands an answer. And this dear reader would lead to a confrontation on the cosmic scale. The Third asked what some could call a simple question and what others might call a threat. The Queen had to remember who she was dealing with but would not back down. A clash of the titans almost occurred but the Dark Queen remembered who her true enemy was, what her true goal was, and that there would be no easy means to accomplish it. And thus from this confrontation an odd alliance would grow, the Master of the Sky would help the Dark Queen grow in power.

The Fourth would step into an alien and hostile environment. The sky was red in chaos and the ground black as charcoal. Ahead of the Fourth lies a tangled forested, wicked in appearance the trees appear possessed by the wind swaying with almost lifelike horror. In the far landscape one can see a huge castle thru the wicked woods but that is not the destination of the Fourth. The Fourth moves thru the evil forest on a mission so bound in evil that any horrible creature in the foul woods does not dare cross the Fourth’s path. The Fourth makes his way to a magnificent mansion appearing almost out of nowhere in the middle of the wicked woods. The Fourth finds the front door ajar and enters. The Fourth is greeted by a creature of the night and led to a study room. The Fourth declines entrance to the study and insists on seeing the lord of the house. The creature of the night is unprepared for this and calls upon a minor demi-god and an ancient lich to occupy the Fourth. The Fourth wastes no time in telling the evil trio that they serve the evil will of the Master of the Sky and the time draws near for the great confrontations.

The Fifth walks up the hundreds of steps leading to a place called the Palace of Skulls. And when the Fifth reaches the top it becomes obvious why this place has such a name. The Dark God Zaltec had his mansion built from the very skulls of his followers. Millions of skulls comprise the walls, columns, and other architectural features of the Palace of Skulls. The Fifth is greeted as an honored guest and brought into the main audience chamber. There the Fifth spots the master of this land and sees the bounty and merriment of his court. The Fifth humbles himself before the Dark God Zaltec and offers many fine treasures: jewels, jewelry, weapons, and works of art. Zaltec is pleased but is apprehensive as why the Master of the Sky would send an agent to his court after all this time. The Fifth agrees that they were once enemies and probably would have remained so but mortal agents of a young godling and sought out both these ancient gods for further power. The Fifth conjunctures that there would be plenty of room for everyone when he returns to high power and that the affairs of mortals are the least of his concerns. And thus once great rivals from eons past now stand as allies and all the realms of man and god should quiver with that information but it is a dark secret known only by few.

The Sixth stood in an alien and hostile environment. The sky a bleak yellow and the terrain that of a sandy desert for all that could be seen. No one would willingly come to this horrid place out of freewill and that is something the slave drivers with their whips where good at destroying; freewill. Thousands of slaves toiled under the hot sun of this oppressing landscape, pulling a castle on rollers. Slaves were dropping dead by the dozen each hour but demons would magically appear, creating gates to summon in more slaves and removing the dead for whatever horrible purpose. Some of the demons eventually noticed the Sixth and went to investigate. These demons being incredible young and dumb thought they could intimidate the Sixth and bind him into slavery. Those demons did not last long and in a display of power the Sixth caused the destruction with great effect. More demons where dispatch from the crawling castle but instead of engaging the Sixth they approached with offers of entertainment. The Sixth would be brought instead of the crawling castle and shown the wonders of the main hall. There were slave girls from a hundred worlds dancing, food enough to feed an army open to banquet, drink in plenty and strong in vigor. The crawling castle excess in indulgencies is matched in its cruelty to its servants. The Demon Lord to whom this horrible mobile oppression palace calls home is known as the Prince of the Gnolls. The Sixth congratulates the Demon Prince on his many accomplishes and triumphs. The Demon Prince becomes very worried that all his power is about to come to an end but the Sixth informs him that he did not come here to kill him but to offer him alliance. And thus did the Demon Prince of the Gnolls come to serve the Master of the Sky; pledging his armies of demons, gnolls, and ghouls to whatever cause the Master of the Sky saw fit to fight.

The Seventh strolled into the Greek city of Thebes. The Greek Empire is basically at its height, heroes like Hercules are out right wrongs and defeating powerful monsters. The Seven Seas are flush with merchants. The Seventh arrives at what some might call the pinnacle of mortal achievement. The Seventh moved thru the city streets unmolested, just another old man out for a walk. The Seventh would make his way to a temple to the Greek pantheon. And in this temple to the Greek gods; ancient powers could conspire to bring about the end to the Gods Reign. The Seventh greeted his titan agents and found out that their plans where already in motion. These titans that the Master of the Sky has allied himself to have begun to seek their vengeance on the God of Gods by bring some of his powerful children down. The God of Gods is known to have a wavering eye and has bedded many beautiful mortal women. And it is the children of these unions that the titans are working on wrecking. The Seventh learns how his titan agents are moving to bring down the rulers of Thebes; children of the God of Gods. The Seventh is happy with this news and orders the lesser titans to remain in the realm of mortals while the spirit of memory will be sent to the Mantaipede to help his transformation. The spirit of justice is to accompany the Master of the Sky himself while he seeks his vengeance.

The Eighth steps out of a burst of volcanic activity and stands, feet burning, on the flow of lava down the volcanic mountain. The mountain itself is thousands of feet high and the Eight rides the lava down to the base. The lava pools into a vast river that would flow to a sea of lava, a veritable ocean of fire. Fore this dear reader is the harsh landscape that comprises the Elemental Plane of Fire. And in this burnt landscape of fire there sits a plateau of obsidian. Almost an island of rock in a sea of fire. And on this rock gives rise to the City of Brass, home to the eternal effertis. The Eight slowly but surely makes his way to the obsidian stone foundations of the City of Brass and steadily makes his way to one of the giant entrances to the walled town. Each step across the stone ground, the Eighth leaves a smoldering foot print, as if the hot lava of the very Elemental Plane could not melt the rock but the slightest foot step of the Eighth burns the very rock. The Eighth would have been denied entrance but the guards valued their lives more than their duty. The Eighth stoically makes his way to the grandest spire in the city, that of the chief sultan. The Eighth works his way up the spire, past hundreds of guards, viziers, and other palace staff to approach the doors to the grand chamber of the chief sultan. Before the grand doors awaiting the Eighth is a small army of the chief sultan’s personal advisors, mystics, and sages. The Eighth makes the claim that he would blow out all the flames in existence if they would continue to stand in his way. And thus did the Eighth gain admittance to an audience wit the chief sultan of the efferti. But the Eighth did not try to strong-arm the chief sultan; no dear reader the agent of the Master of the Sky charmed the chief sultan to his cause with the promise of even more power when the Master of the Sky reclaimed his throne.

The Ninth would step out onto yet another abyssal landscape but instead of stepping on dirt or rock, the Ninth steps onto a terrain composed of organic mater. This entire layer of the Abyss seems to be alive; an evil mold encompassing the land. But a new ooze or fungus has sprung up, the Ichor Entity, and has grown in power, worshipers, and followers. Maybe the Abyss gave birth to the Ichor Entity, maybe the god-monster was given rise after the many clashes between Zuggtmoy and Juiblex and their attempts at breaching into the mortal world or maybe the Ichor Entity arrived from somewhere else and the conditions where just right in the fetid layer of Shedaklah to give rise to this monster. But whatever the case, the Master of the Sky was going to use the Ichor Entity as a testing ground for his awesome power. The Ninth took almost bouncy steps as he crossed the ghastly landscape of Shedaklah seeking out its one mortal city. Xhubhullosk is a city full of madmen; fore that is what this alien world does to mortal men: drives them insane. So naturally the Church of All has established a worship sight to the “Ever Insane Dragon God.” And it is at this temple holding where the Ninth is headed. The Ninth has kept the demon known as Yibyiru, the Rancid Lady, studying her as the most ancient creature found in Shedaklah. Here the Ninth will take Yibyiru and proceed with her to the Ichordeep and meet with his other allies for the assault on the Ichor Entity. And thus dear reader has the Master of the Sky begun his reascension to the top.

What about the Tenth? Well dear reader maybe our illustrious writer is at a loss for more things to do? But the most important thing is keeping the identity of the Master of the Sky a secret from ancient enemies. And dear reader you might not have put all the pieces together but one of the Avatars of the Elder Sky God did kill an agent of one of his greatest enemies in a pervious blog entry. And that ancient foe would dispatch one of the guardians of his infernal prison to search out the agent that was lost. And that dear reader is how the Tenth Avatar of the Elder Sky God would defeat Gyges, one of the Hekatonkheires. Now while none would find out for a while who killed the legendary Gyges; just the fact that such an ancient and powerful creature could be slain is going to send a ripple of fear up both Mount Olympus and Mount Othrys alike. Soon the Master of the Sky would bring low those who had sought to see him dead once. Soon all would know of the return of the Elder Sky God: Uranus.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Hopeless: the Duke Nightmare Revenge Squad

Place: nondescript locale along the only road in the outer-plane gate-town of Hopeless

Principle Characters: The Second Sword Mage (SM) and his wife, The Lich Zod and the Mind Flayer (#2), the Time Bandit (TB), [the guy we got the #10 from] (#10), the Shark and the Dwarf (but resurrected instead of being undead), Dragon Scion Skiesbane (SB), the Dragon Lifesbane (LB), the Dragon Tarazin the Gray (TG), The Eyeless One (EO), Fhylie the Sword, and the Imperial Chamberlain (IC)

IC: I am so glad that we all could meet like this and I am especially grateful that the great Skiesbane would grace us with his presence

SB: if not for the presence of the others of my kind I would hardly waste a second in this foul land, but if those mortals think they could simply distract my attention and steal the very sky from me I will let all know why I am the Terror of a Thousand Tornadoes

IC: I hate to disagree but if this was simply a mortal matter I would have no need to form a dark alliance. No, they might have been mortal once but through the power of Azari they have become something dark

TZ: if Azari continues to grow in power nothing will stop the compete transformation of the Shadow World over the Waking World and it will all be death

IC: indeed and maybe we all could pool our hatred for the likes of the so called High Cleric Kareem and the self appointed Duke Nightmare. All signs point that Duke Nightmare’s power is at its weakest and that if it where to grow again it would lead to the destruction of the Empire

LB: I care nothing for your human Empire but I can sense the coming of great evil from the Gorgon and if the Gorgon harvests the blood-power of these mortals you are so scared of it would be grave indeed

EO: but it is more than that. Visions of the future show great destruction in the South.

IC: Thanks to an unlikely ally (the Shark) I have learned much about the dealings of these dark figures and hoped they would either die during their grand adventures or slay each other themselves but the time is right. But it seems like all these dark figures will not destroy each other but plot to destroy all of us and for that reason alone we should band together to strike our common enemies.

Shark: I once thought Duke Nightmare and the High Cleric Kareem dead; but they returned to kill the Sword Mage and probably kill the rightful ruler of the Southland; Raphael Saberstrike.

TB: Under the coliseum in Fairfield is a secret passage to an underground lair. It is in this lair that Duke Nightmare is breeding a monstrous army and has a portal to Sigil, the City of Doors. I say we use the portal to Sigil to sneak into their realm and cause mayhem.

#10: Then, thief, you do not know what you are up against. Several years ago I traded one of my many automatons and used it as a scrying device to watch their comings and goings. I was able to learn many things about their organizations, allies, and the places they have visited. But recently I have lost the ability to detect through my steel-machine. I do not believe they detected it, or otherwise I might be dead now. No, I believe they have done something to my metal-man and I must find out what.

EO: What I see is they Duke Nightmare and the High Cleric Kareem have made alliances with a plethora of dark powers from beyond our world. And these dark powers will be the undoing of the world.

TG: The coming of Azari is the real concern, if that is to pass then nothing can save us.

IC: Indeed there are many troubles concerning us here today and we can all agree that the death of Duke Nightmare and the High Cleric Kareem are of the utmost importance. Now we have been talking for a bit but we have not introduced ourselves. Again, I want to acknowledge the great dragons that have graced us with their presence: Skiesbane, Lifesbane, and Tarazin the Gray. Most of you know who I am; the Imperial Chamberlain. We are lucky to have the Shark and the Dwarf who were once an ally and once an enemy of Duke Nightmare. The wizards (#10) and the Eyeless One are both very skilled and knowledgeable but in very different subjects: mechanizations and natural occurrences. Zod, the Lich, and his friend the Mind Flayer (#2) were routed from their dungeon by those that we seek to kill. I would like to thank the Time Bandit for bringing us news about the secret portal in the underground lair of our enemy and for informing me that the Rogr of Illien is dead. And last, but not least, Fhylie the Sword: one time leader of a Militant Order who was disgraced by Kareem, now seeks revenge.

SM: Do you forget about me and my wife? It was I who summoned the demon army that about ripped apart your world (a slight overstatement of the facts).

IC: Yes, I am sorry. Sitting here to my right is the diabolists, the sorcerer, the warlock known as the Sword Mage and his apprentice wife.

SM: Thank you, was that so hard to admit my magnificence.

IC: and now that the introductions are out of the way; we can get down to business…

Old Man: What about me? You forgot to introduce me!

IC: I am so sorry, let us see here, you are who? Are you another that has been slighted by Duke Nightmare or seek revenge against the vile Kareem?

Old Man: Kareem? Vile? From my dealings with the olive-skinned Kareem have only been the most pleasant and beneficial to my side. And slighted by Duke Nightmare? He should think that I slighted him for all that he has done for me. But I come here today to payback Duke Nightmare in kind.

IC: Who are you?

SB: do you think you can kill me? I am like a god in the sky!

Old Man: I am in the god in your sky and you are all now dead!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Tales of the Duke Nightmare Revenge Squad

Scene 1

Place: Parts Unknown

Principle Characters: the Time Bandit (TB) and Artimus, Thief of Tartarus (A)

TB: thank you for meeting me

A: the pleasure is entirely yours

TB: I have something information to offer and in exchange all I want is in

A: in on what? If you want to join my thieves’ guild just because yours fell, well it is just not that easy…

TB: no not that, I know all about who you work for. No I want revenge on the Avatar of the god of the Church of All

A: so what makes you think that I am working on some kind of revenge on the petty temple holdings of this land?

TB: see, I do know something you don’t

A: fine, it is well known that the figure calling himself the Sword Mage (oh dear reader you know him as the Second Sword Mage) is hiding out in the Gaping Maw (layer 88 of the Infinite Abyss)

TB: now was that so hard? I am ever humble oh master thief and I do part with just a simple word to the wise

A: save your pleasantries, what do you have to tell me?

TB: well then, go back to the hole you crawled out of and see that Duke Nightmare is dead but more importantly who is running the Underground Forest

A: Duke Nightmare is not dead and besides his minions will carry on under that god you seem so scared of from the Church of All

TB: I received word from an associate of mine (the White Goblin) that Duke Nightmare was defeated by the Hydra just days ago

A: fine, so Duke Nightmare fell fighting a powerful blood monster, I guess I will check out the Underground Forest more closely to see what is going on there. But tell me how did you come across this information?

TB: You think you’re the only one who knows about the Underground Forest? Huge hauls of grain, wood, ore, and other goods flow to that stupid coliseum everyday. Daily troll fights? Come on, those trolls got to be coming from somewhere.

A: so you are not as stupid as you seem

TB: careful with your words, I tangled with a proxy for a god

A: a lesser god, you know who I work for

TB: yes, let us part friends

A: good

Scene 2

Place: The Underground Forest – the Castle of Duke Nightmare

Principle Characters: Artimus, Thief of Tartarus and the Old Man Avatar of Uranus #1

Setting: Artimus sneaks into the Underground Forest from the surface world thru small twisted passageways known only to him. Artimus has made this journey dozens of times during his adventures in the land of Cerilia; using an ancient portal that lies in the Underground Forest. When Duke Nightmare claimed the Underground Forest as his own; Artimus simply avoided Duke Nightmare and his troops.

But unfortunately today Artimus decided to take the Time Bandit’s advice and check out the Castle of Duke Nightmare. And what Artimus finds is fantastic to say the least. Besides the castle lie several pits with all sorts of foul and awful atrocities occurring in them and a small but growing city of monstrous-humanoids. Artimus can slink about and discover many interesting sites: statues to dark gods, a temple to the many dark gods of the Church of All, laboratories for alchemists and wizards, and the breeding pits for trolls and ghouls.

But the real shocking and damning discovery lies in the castle itself; where Artimus finds something that he would never believe unless he saw it for himself. Conducting court in the Throne Room of Duke Nightmare is the Old Man Avatar of Uranus. The Old Man is discussing various lists and reports with a task administrator genie and the room is full of monstrous-humanoids. And that is when the Old Man notices Artimus. No matter Artimus’ skill; no manor of deception can hide one from the Avatar of the Elder Sky God. Artimus tries to flee but the Old Man can catch up and surpass the would-be intruder to conduct a little business. And this dear reader is when we catch up to Artimus and the Old Man as well.

OM: I can tell who you serve and now it is time you die

A: oh spare me, great Elder Sky God. And know that if any knew of your existence that the heaves themselves would again bow to you…

OM: Do not try to appeal to me, thief! The heavens will bow to me again; in time…

A: yes, time. Another thief, a mortal like myself, was the one that told me to search here. Please spare me and I will help you find this thief.

OM: The Time Bandit

A: *gasping* (probably figuring out that the Old Man is reading Artimus’ mind)

OM: I will track down this Time Bandit and kill him myself if needs be. And I will kill you too.

A: oh wonderful and powerful Uranus spares me and I will serve you instead of my wicked master so that you might slay him and assume his throne

OM: You would dare think that I would rule from his throne. I will once again control the very cosmos and to start I will smash you like the bug you are

A: *death wail*

Scene 3

Place: The Gaping Maw – outside of the Second Sword Mage’s Tower

Principle Characters: The Second Sword Mage (SM), the Time Bandit (TB), and the Mind Flayer #2(MF2)

Setting: The Time Bandit was trying to approach the Tower of the Sword Mage like a master thief but the Mind Flayer (#2) “caught” him. The Second Sword Mage was summoned by the Mind Flayer and then the pair would intercept the Time Bandit and have a little bit to chat about for us dear reader.

TB: And the Avatar of the New Dark God destroyed the thief’s guild of el-Hadid.

SM: Most of us had other power bases besides our assets those creatures like Duke Nightmare destroyed or took away from us.

MF2: an ogre servant of Duke Nightmare killed my brother in the Tower of Zagig

SM: yes, everyone of us has a story very similar to that. Duke Nightmare tried to kill me to sell my soul to a demon prince

TB: yes these others, I would like to meet them. I want revenge on any who serve the New Dark God!

SM: true, we all do but it is hard for each of us to want to trust one another. That is why we have been meeting in a pretty neutral location; the city of Hopeless in the Outlands

MF2: I can take you there, but you should not stay there fore too long. That wicked city has a way of changing mortals. Probably the strong pull of Hades

TB: good then it is set; we are to unite to defeat the likes of Duke Nightmare and the New Dark God of Cerilia!

And that dear reader is the start, or maybe the middle, but definitely not the end of the story of the Duke Nightmare Revenge Squad. We can look back to past stories of how Duke Nightmare with the Monster’s Society and the High Cleric Kareem with the Royal Flush Gang squeezed the Lich Zod and the Mind Flayer (#2) out of the Tower of Zagig. We can look back to time that Duke Nightmare and the High Cleric Kareem supposedly killed the Second Sword Mage and kidnapped the Sword Mage’s wife only to be tricked by the Second Sword Mage but not before stealing several magic items from the Second Sword Mage. We can look back as see how Duke Nightmare and the High Cleric Kareem were both betrayed by the humble henchman known as the Shark.

Maybe dear reader, just maybe during the next meeting of the Duke Nightmare Revenge Squad in the city of Hopeless; the Old Man will lead a strike force against those that would seek to undue the union of Dark Gods trying to form a pantheon in lands of Cerilia. Who could stand in the way of the Old Man’s thirst for vengeance? Not even the Kool-Aid Man himself could offer the Old Man enough thirst quenching enjoyment that the Old Man could have from ringing the very necks of those that could reveal him to the universe.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

The Gay Adventures of Mercenary Mao, Milo the Good Wizard, Fint the Goblin, and Jamila al-Haman the Priestess.

In the port town of Mhowe did the Mercenary Mao meet Milo the Good Wizard. And the scoundrel Mao did take all of Milo’s pocket dollars and nickels for pickles. Seeking adventure the pair of Milo and Mao headed off towards the East. Word had come that a goblin was seeking adventure at a place called the Cypress Tower.

Far into the woods of Deepshadow in the Coeranys did the pair of Mao and Milo did find the wizard tower. The Cypress Tower, stand almost one hundred feet tall is an impressive structure in the otherwise lush woods. Once home to one of the Three Brother Mages; the Cypress Tower was given to Fint the Goblin for his years of steed-fast service to Rassan the Hasty.

Fint the Goblin is a fart away from level ten and thus being able to summon men-at-arms. But Fint the Goblin has started to employ a few servants until that time arrives. Fint employs an old crone to act as his cook and a lumberjack to clear some ground for him. The old crone and the lumberjack are to live in the Cypress Tower until Flint returns from adventuring.

Milo and Mao are welcomed by the Fint the Goblin; Fint expresses his delight in finding a wizard to accompany him on his adventures. Fint introduces Mao and Milo to the Priestess Jamila al-Haman. This would be the core of the adventuring group lead by Fint the Goblin.

Now someone would have normally found this grouping very odd. Having a lawful goblin wanting to form and lead a group of adventures is odd. Having a character like Mao; who seems very powerful but more importantly not one of this world. The others might just be too nice to ask such questions or many they think Mao is from a foreign continent or a mix of Rjuik and Vos. Milo the Good Wizard seems a little too trusting, a little too good. And then there is the Priestess Jamila. What kind of priestess is she? Again, the others are maybe just to nice to ask why Jamila does not seem to call out to a particular god or carry holy symbols of her faith.

The four adventures head out to the Iron Peaks in search of experience and treasure. But each had their own motive for traveling. Maybe Fint and Milo just needed experience to progress in their respected professions but both Fint and Milo would be undone by the conflict between Mao and Jamila. Over the course of several weeks our party of four adventurers would encounter murderous monsters, fantastic locations, new plant and animal species, and even extra-planar creatures.

And this is what would be the undoing of the adventuring party dear reader. Jamila al-Haman was really a Bird Maiden. A one power, two toughness flyer for one red and two colorless, the Bird Maiden needed some helping fighting the Cat Warriors (a two-two forestwalk for three). The Cat Warriors where really Tabaxi, a species of leopard/jaguar people created by the Bloody God Zaltec. The Tabaxi where placed on Birthright to bring honor and power to Zalter. The Bird Maiden was dispatched by the forces of good to see what was up with that.

Now Jamila was firmly set in her task and after an encounter with a Tabaxi Hunt (that is a group of Tabaxi warriors out in a hunting party) that our adventuring party of four were to try and track down the Tabaxi Lair. But why didn’t Jamila detect Mao as a cleric to not one but two evil gods? Maybe it was the dark blessing of the New Dragon God that protected Mao from Jamila. Maybe Jamila just had a one-track mind set to finding the Tabaxi.

So our adventuring party of Mao, Milo, Flint, and Jamila would raid the Tabaxi Lair and confront the mysterious and powerful Tabaxi Lord. And this dear reader is when Mercenary Mao decided to strike and show his true colors as the Witchhunter Mao. Before the untimely and ill fated death of Captain Holocaust; the Avatar of Duke Nightmare would complete several missions for the now missing dark god. One such mission Captain Holocaust was assigned was protecting the Royal Flush Gang – Clubs.

So when our adventuring party encountered the Tabaxi Lord and all seemed hopeless for the mortal adventurers; Mao summoned Captain Holocaust to turn the tide of battle. Captain Holocaust easily avoided or outright resisted the Tabaxi Lord’s spells. Thinking the battle had turned, Jamila revealed herself as a Bird Maiden. But all that revelation did was reward Jamila with a smack from Captain Holocaust.

All in all; Fint, Milo, and Jamila would be subdued and the Tabaxi Lord left very much impressed by Captain Holocaust’s power. Witchhunter Mao and Captain Holocaust would then speak of their dark gods: Sepiroth the Lich, the demi-god known as Deth, Duke Nightmare, and of course the New Dragon God. The Priestess Jamila and Milo the Good Wizard would be put to death on an altar to the Tabaxi Lord’s dark god Zaltec.

In time the Tabaxi Lord would become a trusted go-between for forces of the New Dragon God and Zaltec, the Blood Hand. Eventually emissaries for the New Dragon God will have to travel to meet Zaltec, the Bringer of War and Eater of Hearts. The High Cleric Kareem’s imps can find out information like: Zaltec killed his mother and fights and endless war with his brother Qotal, the Feathered Dragon. The imps bring other information like how Zaltec alternates his time between realms in the Abyss and Carceri. In the Abyss Zaltec rules Teotli Itec; nine laers of chaos, blood, ice, and fire. In Carceri Zaltec maintains Zompantli, the Palace of Skulls, on Cathrys the second layer of Carceri.

What will become of this dark alliance between evil gods of different dimensions? First an alliance between the Tabaxi on Birthright and the Gnolls of the Iron Peaks to be lead by Captain Holocaust (fake edit, read as: Mao FeTor). Second the dark god Zaltec will grant druid powers to followers of the Church of All’s Oaken Grove Sect as long as Zaltec gets his favorite sacrifices: the heart of a captured enemy taken from the live victim on an altar to the dark god. And that dear reader is how they say just the tip of the iceberg.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Where the Power Lies

Let us dear reader talk about who the regents in the local realms are. Starting with the Chimaeron: the Council of Leaders control the law and the guilds under the name of the Chimaera. The Council of Leaders usually governs from the city of Lyssan but recently the city was set ablaze and the individual members of the Council are preparing their provinces for future changes. The magical sources of the realm are dominated by the Chimaera except in Hamein and Mhowe where the Three Brother Mages have wizard towers. There are temples to Nesirie in the provinces of Hamein and Lyssan; while there are hidden temples to Cuiraecen in Lyssan and Careine.

The realm of Rohrmarch is split between the brothers Alaric and Oden. The princely brothers fight over the land and the law of Rohrmarch. The temple holdings are dominated by Haelyn in the provinces held my Prince Alaric and temples to Cuiraecen can be found in the provinces controlled by Prince Oden. There are two guild regents: Siegfried Lessen and Frodrik Foresstannen are making a fortune off of the civil war. The Sayer of the Coullabhie has a few source holdings; otherwise there are no other major magicians in the region just a bunch of pretenders.

The Emir el-Duatim is the wizard-king of Sendoure. The many titles of the el-Dautim family require that the Emir be a wizard of some skill. The el-Dautim family is currently trying to acquire all the law and guild holdings besides ruling the land of Senoure. The Emir is almost at the point of fighting the Hydra Trading Company. The Hydra controls the law and guild interest of Sulaia and Tinsouf. The problem with the Hydra’s forces for the Emir is simple; the Hydra does not tax the people while the Emir does. Classically the el-Dautim family controls all of the source holdings in Senoure but during recent family strife the Sayer of the Coullabhie has gained a few source holdings.

The lands of Binsada are ruled by the popular Queen el-Reshid. The Queen controls the lands and the clans from the grand stone castle in Ber Dairas. The major religion of Binsada is the worship of Laerme; while in the provinces of Moura and Andujar are creeping up with the Zikalan Temple of Avani. Corazon bint Rilni, the Red Witch controls all of the magical source holdings in Binsada except in the province of High Asawre where the Sayer of the Coullabhie exerts control keeping the Red Witch at bay. The guilders of Binsada are three fold: the Hydra Trading Company, the Traders of Turin, and the Saere Consortium.

I believe dear reader you should be familiar with the famed Hydra Trading Company but let me tell you a thing or two about the other regents of Binsada. The neighboring realm of Zikala is trying exerting influence over the clansmen of Binsada in two forms: The Extraordinary Traders of Turin and the Zikalan Temple of Avani. The Saere Consortium is lead by a woman known in Khinasi as Delia of Coeranys. The Saere Consortium imports and exports between the realms of Binsada in Khinasi and Coeranys in Anuire.

But what of the Red Witch dear reader? I am sure that you are interested in this mysterious woman. Corazon bint Rilni originally hails from across the Asawre from the land of Sendoure. Corazon’s mother was also a well-known sorceress well over a hundred years ago. Corazon’s mother would eventually be killed by the Hydra and the Red Witch seeks revenge against the blood monster. The Red Witch has tapped into ancient magical sources of Binsada and has a firm grip of control of the magical happenings in Binsada.

And one last thing for you dear reader. Off of the southern shore of Binsada, directly across from a province that keeps watch over it; lies the Isle of the Harpy. For hundred of years the Queen of the Harpies plagued sailors, fisherman, and merchants who passed near the island. About a decade ago, a human adventure tried to kill the Queen Harpy and well things did not go as the adventurer planned. The legend goes that the human adventurer killed the Queen but gained her terrible curse. Now the new Harpy controls the island and the flocks of monstrous harpies that call it home. And that is that; where much of the power lies in the human realms of the Northern Marches and the Gulf of Coeranys.

Stories from up and down the Asarwe River

In old Binsada there once was a wizard who built the Tower of Evening in Sodden Falls. Since that time, old Binsada has fallen and given rise to the current realm of Binsada. But Sodden Falls did share the same fate as the lands next to it. Sodden Falls would become home to the creature known by men as the Hydra and over the many years; Sodden Falls became known as the Harrowmarsh. The Tower of Evening still stands in the Harrowmarsh, near the Binsada border. Rumor holds that the Tower of Evening is haunted with all kinds of undead and a legendary specter known as Gillwort.

In the ancient lands of Cerilia the first human tribe to arrive was the Irboud people who would be the ancestors of the Basarji people. Some would say the arrival of the Masetian people into the region would be the start of the Khinasi tradition. But really it would take generations for these people to merge even after the devastation at Mount Deismaar. But even during the early days of man on the continent of Cerilia the Asarwe River marked the Eastern most border that the human nomads would normally travel.

During the Basarji period a kingdom rose up known today as old Binsada. The rulers of Binsada pushed the borders beyond what the current realm of Binsada controls; into areas like Sodden Falls, Sendoure, and the lands of the Sphinx. The current realm of Sendoure in it’s ancient past broke off from Binsada. Currently the realm of Sendoure has reunited under a wizard-king who is trying as much to gain control of the land as the magical sources and guild interest of the region; while the current realm of Binsada maintains the tradition of Khinasi nomad clans.

The Asarwe River not only marks the border between the realms of Sendoure and Binsada but it also serves as a border between the varying cultures. Along both sides of the river, settlers have begun popping up practicing fixed-placed agriculture (very different than the traditional nomad lifestyle normally practiced in the lands of the Khinasi people). Most of the settlers are Khinasis who have a low station and are seeking a new way to improve their economic condition. Farming can be cheaper to start up then herding pack animals around grazing.

But even more surprising than Khinasis giving up their nomad lifestyle is the increasing number of immigrants from other lands. One might be able to even find a Vos amongst the farmers along the Asawre Riverbanks. The Khinasi do not seem to mind the increasing number of Anuirians, Brecht, and others as long as the new arrivals do not try and establish a city.

To get around the Khinasi disposition on cities and in particular cities for the new emigrants, the Hydra Trading Company has built a virtual city: a barge city. Known simply as Barge Town, the Hydra Trading Company has fashioned hundreds of barges together and sails the rickety “city” up and down the Asawre. Farmers and Fisherman travel to Barge Town to trade goods and buy supplies. Some barges are dedicated to certain establishments like bars, inns, dance halls, gambling dens, and the like. The realms of Sendoure and Binsada hate the Barge Town but do not have the legal authority to deal with (not to mention the lack of military authority from either kingdom and the lack of cooperation between the two kingdoms). At anytime there could be 500 people on the Barge Town and the Barge Town can be found anywhere from Westport in the Harrowmarsh to Ambies-on-Hillsfair in the Burrows.

Speaking of the Asawre River, there is an odd section of petrified-woods along the Binsada side of the border. Known as the Petrified Forest, this once part of the Serir Regal forest is all that is left of those woods on the southern side of the Asawre River. At the very heart of the Petrified Forest one can find two figures locked in mortal combat. During the time of old Binsada, a human wizard named Ventinah Falas and an elf known only as the Woodworker fought a magical duel that ended up sealing them both and the forest forever in stone. Over the centuries adventures and huntsmen alike have taken preserved stone birds, animals, flowers, and plants from the Petrified Forest and sold them as trinkets and marvels.

Not bad, I might say dear reader. But how about I leave you with one more rumor? Maybe something someone could even buy in the port of Mhowe: Qetal Root. The Guilder Kort Bregeden of the Hydra Trading Company is said to always have a lump of Qetal Root in his mouth. Essentially dear reader, the Qetal Root is a narcotic that one chews. Presumably the root could probably be cured into snuff, smoke, or maybe even a drink depending on how toxic it is. But for simplicities sake, Kort is just selling the addictive root and bringing in good money for it. Dungeons, Dragons, and Drugs. Oh my dear reader, this is starting to sound like Shadowrun.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Actual News From Around the Realm or otherwise known as "So It Is Written, So It Shall Be"

After the Gorgon marched thru Cariele to reach the Five Peaks and after the Gorgon killed the old Mhor; undead plagued the weak points of Markazor. The Gorgon sued the Elves of Tuarhiele threatening war unless Prince Fhileraene came personally to negotiate peace. Prince Fhileraene has left his wife, the new Mhor Savane as the acting regent over the Court of Tuarhiele. This has split the time the new Mhor Savane can spend in her human realm and elf realm (not to mention dear reader, the differences in how time flows between the two realms). But with the even more recent news; it is any ones guess at what will happen next.

And what news could be more shocking than a ruler of an Anuirian Realm acting as the regent of an Elf Realm? Well that would be the death of a ruler dear reader. And what ruler would that be? Michael Mhoried, the Duke of Alamie, a maybe one time hope for the Iron Throne was murdered and his wife, Aubrae Avan was kidnapped. Aubrae would eventually be tracked down and recovered jut over the border in the province of Dhalaese, in the land of Boeruine. Aubrae is up in arms and acting as Duchess of Alamie is rallying her troops to war. The reunited city of Lofton-Haes is a twitter with soldiers, merchants, blacksmiths, and all the gears of war at work.

And what of the Prince of Avanil? Prince Darien Avan has been courting the royal family Alam. The head of the Alam family, Soraene married a daughter of Gavin Tael. Gavin Tael, as in the Baron of Ghoere, as in the now dead Baron of Ghoere. So when Soraene’s ties to the Tael family became worthless, how do I say this dear reader? Soraene has set up self up as an eligible bachelor again. So it would be short work to imagine that Soraene Alam might marry Aubrae Avan and claim the birthright that was his before Soraene’s father, the once Duke of Alamie was removed from power.

But dear reader there are a few more players left to go yet in the initiative order. The ever spectacular Archduke Aeric Boeruine has declared the murder of Michael Mhoried and the kidnapping of Aubrae as nothing more than a ruse designed to lure Boeruine and Avanil into war. The Archduke has moved an incredible number of troops, engineers, and workers into the mountains and passes of Perchalinn, Monsedge, and Ghonallison. The troops of the Archduke are digging in and laying traps. This build-up between the powers of the region might turn into war at any moment.

The King of Elinie has decreed a month long state of mourning as one of his paladin son whom has been slain. The King’s son died in the Iron Peaks fighting; according to one wizard who survived: the King’s son was killed by an unknown human riding a nightmare and the avatar of the Gnoll’s dark god. After the month of mourning the King of Elinie is planning on sending several thousand troops to the Iron Peaks to eliminate the Gnoll threat. The King has issued a decree and after the month of mourning the King is planning on hiring mercenaries and adventurers on masse.

And that dear reader is pretty much most of the major news I can think of off the top of my head dear reader. Well unless you pay attention to the rumor that a guild known as the Brother’s Investment Groupe is close to being able to have a trade chain that would extend the length of Anuire. The three primary holders of the B.I.G. are the Hero of the North, Sir Lancelot along with the Church of All and the Kingdom of the Southlands. But you do not pay attention to rumors; do you dear reader?

Thursday, April 7, 2011

More Rumors and Conjecture

What could be of the three Gems of Arborea stolen from the Elves of the Llaubraight dear reader? One lies still in the realm of men, one lies in the Shadow World, and the realms that lay beyond. So whom dear reader is the greatest enemy of the Llaubraight? Well dear reader who is the greatest enemy in the realm of men? Of course the answer is the Gorgon. But who dear reader could dare to steal a prized gem from under the grasp of the Gorgon? Maybe the Monkey King, maybe Atriums thief of Tartarus, or could it be dear reader that a member of the Royal Flush Gang would dear to steal from the Gorgon? Maybe, just maybe.

Another question dear reader: who could be the greatest enemy of the elves in the Shadow World? Is your answer the Cold Rider? Good guess; but there is one that has a burning hate for the race of creatures called Elves. And that one dear reader is none other than our own Duke Nightmare’s Grandmamma: Lussina, the Dark Queen of the Unseelie. Centuries ago, the Wild Hunt presented Lussina with a great trophy: one of the Gems of Aborea. Lussina hates the elves free nature, their love of all things beautiful, their resistance to charm-effects while alive, and their resistances to necromantic-effects when dead.

By simple logic, the elves of Cerillia have an older culture then Seelie. The Spirit World was destroyed by Azari and the last remaining Seelie rose up as the new Queen of the Seelie. And it was this Queen’s daughter that would become Lussina. There are very much elves still alive and active today in Cerillia that were alive in the time before the coming of Azari. Rhoube Manslayer is one of these elves and the Sayer of the Coulladaraight is another. Lussina hates these creatures.

If monsters like hobgoblins and orcs are more powerful in Cerillia in comparison to places like Anaslon, Faerun, and the like then that must mean that the elves of Cerillia are more powerful as well. The varied goblin species are one powerful race in Cerillia and there are no common orcs; just the stronger orog. Even the rare Cerillian dragon is of an ancient stock that has powers beyond the common metallic or chromatic variants.

One rumor about Cerillian elves is that they are immortal. Another rumor goes that an elf has to give up this immortality to marry a human or maybe it just happens when they marry a human. A Cerillian half-elf lives hundreds of years longer than their other-worldly counterparts. There is a rumor that humans that live in Elven Woods long enough can become half-elves.

Personally dear reader, I like the story that goes after the dragons pushed the Titans off of the world smaller races were able to spring up. The noble elves took it upon themselves to help the other races along. It was the elves who breed the goblin factions into one race, it was the elves that caused the rise of the orogs, and it was the elves that lead to the dwarves hiding underground.

I like that rumor about the dwarves a lot dear reader. The Dwarven tradition tells a much different tale about the dwarven race being hammer into creation by their creator-god. But there is some archeological evidence that the elves might have once dominated the dwarves and the dwarves retreated underground. There is another rumor that maybe the dwarves breed the orogs to serve as slave labor but the orogs out breed the dwarves and revolted. Either way the continent of Cerillia was an interesting place before the coming of man.

So dear reader: one of the stolen Gems of Arborea is in the possession of the Gorgon and another with Lussina but what of the third? The third stolen Gem of Arborea lies in an outer-plane. Maybe back in the Olympian Glades of Arborea itself; being used by a powerful elf or eldrin. Maybe the missing Gem of Arborea lies in the Clockwork Nirvana of Mechanus being used as an artificial sun on a Formian Ant Hive Cog. Maybe a powerful Tanari Lord stolen it up and took it back to the Infinite Layers of the Abyss. It really seems dear reader that this one missing gem could lead to any number of adventures or scenarios being played out.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Rumors and Conjecture in the Gulf of Coeranys

A paladin of Avani was slain by a group of gnolls lead by the avatar of Yeengohu and some unknown human riding a nightmare. The battle took place in the province of Careine, along the foothills of the Iron Peaks. The troops of the Paladin were routed; many of them taken as slaves by the gnolls while others were eaten on sight by the gnolls. The gnolls eat the flesh of their victims like ghouls, in honor of their god Yeengohu; Lord of the Gnolls, King of the Ghouls.

Some say that the Chimera has defeated the Bear while others say the Bear has just gone into hibernation. Maybe the Bear knows a storm of evil is coming and wants to wait out the winter.

The White Goblin’s personal caravel, the White Whale, was seen in the port of Mhowe in the land of the Chimearon. Word is that the White Goblin was in port hiring mercenaries.

The Harrowmarsh has it shares of danger: the natural inhabitants of a swamp, the Hydra, the hydra-kin, the Lizard Men tribes, and bandits. A band of humans lead by Lord Astin, known as the Muckrakers both protect merchant ships and prey on merchant ships that try and pass through the Harrowmarsh. There is also a group of goblins that go by the name of the Green Gang, lead by a witch-doctor known as Papa Daka.

The small village of Westport is the only permanent human settlement in the Harrowmarsh. Normally a free-city, the White Goblin has changed that and is now the law in the city.

A Brecht guilder named Kort Bregeden runs a strangely named merchant guild in the lands of Sendoure, Bindasa, and the Harrowmarsh simply called: the Hydra. The Hydra merchant guild flies a yellow flag with a black seven headed beast on it as their symbol. The merchant guild says they are the only way to safely get through the Harrowmarsh. Kort Bregeden says he is acting by the will of the Hydra. But this does not seem to stop bandits or the lizard men of the Harrowmarsh, both of which assault “the Hydra” protected vessels passing through the Harrowmarsh.

The Three Brother Mages believe that the Paladin of Avani was not coming to the Chimearon to help the Bear but was rather questing for an ancient shrine to Basaia.

Adventures might start flocking to the Chimearon: gnolls, ancient shrine, blood power and what not.

There is rumor that in the Harrowmarsh is an albino four-headed hydra-kin of great size.

Trogdor, King of the Southlands has shut down his grand palace and castle on Albiele Isle and moved his troops to the mainland. King Trogdor did allow a mercenary captain to form a war camp and who began recruiting and training troops. Rumor has it that Trogdor plans on using these mercenaries to invade the Isle of Caelcorwynn to gain more of a stranglehold on the Straits of Aerele.

The civil war in Sendoure came to a close several years ago, when an unknown group of adventures killed the upstart guild master who was trying to take over. During the melee, the rightful heir was slain but the noble family has since taken back power and Sendoure is recovering nicely. The upstart guild master was publicly hanged and his assets seized by the throne.

The civil war in the Rohrmarch is still ongoing. The kingdom is split with a northern capital, Oden, and a southern capital, Kiedel. King Alaric Wilhelm the First controls the southern half of the kingdom while his older brother King Oden Wilhelm the Third controls the northern half of the kingdom. The last true king of Rohrmarch, Frodrick Wilhelm was slain trying to hunt the Boar. Since then Frodrick’s sons have torn the kingdom part; each trying to claim their birthright.