Wednesday, July 21, 2010

the Baron of Ghoere

Isaac Tael (3rd son of Gavin Tael) waits, pacing, brooding in the moment that was a year in the making, he was coming and all Issac could do was wait for him; the return of the Sword Mage.

Let us dear reader backtrack for a second and tell the story of Issac Tael and his ominous rise to the throne of Baron of Ghoere. The story always starts with Gavin Tael, Ghoere was a Barony that rose up in power through war and conquest and Gavin Tael excelled at both in spades. But at the peak of Gavin’s power an assassination plot succeeded in fatally poisoning the Baron and left in a catatonic state the Sword Mage acted with power of attorney. Isaac Tael’s older brothers were eliminated and with promises of power Isaac was appointed the new Baron of Ghoere.

But there was already trouble for poor Isaac; with word of the death of Gavin Tael all his old enemies came to wreck havoc. With reduced number troops on the border the Spider harassed manors and villages. The once neutral Southlands launched invasions, lead by then Count Sedrie Bellamie. Prince Avanil launched an invasion across the river Maesil while the King of Elinie moved across the border to the east. William Moergen reclaimed the title of Duke of Osoerde; he sought to reclaim lands lost to Ghoere.

This went on for several years but the Sword Mage kept things interesting and help Ghoere prevail in several key battles. But then one year ago, some intruders disturbed a trap that called for the Sword Mage’s attention. The Sword Mage traveled with a small army to the swamp of Spiritsend and checked on a favorite captive: the Swamp Mage. But by the time the Sword Mage could get to the Swamp Mage’s tower, the Player Character Duke Nightmare had killed the Swamp Mage, looted the tower, and then destroyed said tower. So when the Sword Mage arrived all seemed lost but the Sword Mage tracked the Player Characters to their destination in the swamp: the Hut of Baba Yaga.

The Player Characters arrived in several squads before starting to endeavor near the hut. The Sword Mage kept magically concealed along with the accompanying army but when a juicy target appeared the Sword Mage had to act. Raphael Sabersrike, Count of Abbatour, the People’s Champion, Wielder of Enlien’s Sword, the King of the Southlands how could the Sword Mage but not attack a regent of another nation on the spot. But it was all for naught as it was the Mystery Man my dear reader and not Raphael.

But then Raphael appeared and with a word of magic teleported the Shade right alongside the Sword Mage. The Shade used a vial of green acid and it splashed all over the Sword Mage’s armor. The Sword Mage laughed and asked if there was anything else the Shade wished to do but the acid worked quickly and soon the Sword Mage was left a pile of goo.

The army that the Sword Mage brought panicked and the Player Characters took advantage and fought the army as they routed. Duke Nightmare struck a victory by capturing one of the seven daughters of the Sword Mage: a half-dragon. Soon word would spread of the Sword Mage’s death and Isaac Teal would be left with even more of a mess to clean up.

And that is the pickle Isaac has been in for over a year: no Sword Mage. Elinie, Avanil, Osoerde, and the Southlands had all taken land from Ghoere and the province of Ghiere declared it’s self a free city. For one year it all looked bleak for Isaac but word came that the Sword Mage is back from the dead.

Usually when the Sword Mage would travel to the castle of Rock Roost a large procession would accompany the appearance, so when the New Sword Mage appeared from out of the shadows it was quite a surprise to all in the Baron’s grand hall. Isaac greeted the New Sword Mage, stopped pacing, and took a seat on the throne of the Baron of Ghoere. The two would talk but briefly but word of the meeting between the Baron and the New Sword Mage would spread.

Word would spread of the New Sword Mage’s appearance: that of a tall muscular man, wearing fashionable clothing, with a while hood bearing a sword embroidered in blue (the typical mask of one of the Seven Daughter’s of the Sword Mage), and most distinctively difference about the New Sword Mage is a quasit imp familiar. Before one never could tell the appearance of the Sword Mage but one was sure to notice the overlapping sword coat but this is all gone now and the New Sword Mage appears to be a male wizard, perhaps warlock. Regents work quick so the New Sword Mage is going to have to conquer source holdings from rival mages.

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