The Conjurer Billie and his cohorts
1)The Generalissimo and family: a disgraced Neutral Evil cloud giant who along with his two wives and handful of children allow Conjurer Billie to use their cloud castle as a base
2)The Martial Artist: a Khinasi Male (really a were-jackal) that prefers to use physical attacks that restrain or subdue opponents. Possible name: Silva
3)The Apprentice: like any good wizard, the Conjurer Billie rotates in new lackey wizards to do the grunt work. The current apprentice a male Brecht specialized in conjuration and summoning.
4)The Eagles: the Generalissimo entered a self imposed exile from his brethren after his failed attempt at a coup against the King of the Cloud Giants. Besides his family, the Generalissimo went into exile with a loyal flock of Eagles that had always enjoyed the protection of the giant’s cloud castle. Where the cloud castle goes, so do the Eagles and the Conjurer Billie has used them as aides, spies, and messengers.
5)The Fallen Paladin: A Khinasi paladin of Avani was fighting in the Harrowmarsh when the Hydra confronted their adventuring party; the paladin fled in fear allowing the Hydra to route and slays several of the paladin’s companions. The paladin was looking for a sign from Avani when the cloud castle passed by and the paladin saw the Eagles and figured out that there was something up there. The paladin acquired the services of some trade merchants and caught up to the cloud as it was lazily crossing the Strait of Coreyenes. The paladin did a good job to signal to the cloud castle as was granted audience with the Conjurer Billie. The Conjurer Billie told the paladin that he was on a quest to search out a disturbance in the natural magical energies in Anuire and as a paladin of Avani the paladin would be good companion as the paladin’s job should be to smite those who use magic wrong.
6)The Cleric of Rounril: The Conjurer Billie is a wild mage and thusly a mage that does not endorse the code of ethics those other Khinasi wizards swear to. But when the great disturbance in the natural magical energies of Anuire started to be noticed all the way in the Khinasi lands, the Conjurer Billie facing exorcism from the church approached them for clerical assistance to investigate the disturbance. Now the church would not normally help a wild mage, and would probably move to destroy the wizard, but the Conjurer Billie pleaded his case well. The Cleric is more apt to help Billie than the conjurer first thought would be possible
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