Geraldo Rivera breaks another news story; the UCAS has recovered a survivor unlike any other survivor from the Renraku Arcology: a young boy that has cyber implants placed since the Shutdown occurred. Geraldo breaks the story to the general public that the Renraku Arcology Shutdown is linked to an A.I. called “Deus.” This had been generally known amongst the Shadowrunner community for about a month. Geraldo details how “Deus” implanted cyber eyes (tinted green) and other implants to be able to control and monitor the child.
Geraldo briefly mentions the Ork Underground and the “Resistance” that has rescued dozens of people that were trapped inside the Arcology when Shutdown occurred. Geraldo talks up the joint Renraku and UCAS Military forces that have secured the area and rescued hundreds of those that were trapped in the Renraku Arcology.
Experts are interviewed by Geraldo covering the fields of A.I. and cyber treatments. Geraldo extrapolates from his expert guests that “Deus” must be trying to find a way to bridge the gap between computers and man. The expert on A.I. goes even further and suggests that the A.I. needs to be eliminated and not quarantined. The expert says that the government must be getting paid by Renraku to take a “hands off approach” because the mega-corporation wants to “see what happens.” Rivera and the other expert act like they do not know what the A.I. expert is talking about. The A.I. expert goes off on a tangent that no mega-corporation would just throw away a multi-billion dollar arcology and that the military needs to eliminate the threat.
Geraldo quickly dismisses the A.I. expert and transitions into Rivera’s next great challenge: to interview the A.I. known as “Deus.”
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