Sunday, April 10, 2011

Actual News From Around the Realm or otherwise known as "So It Is Written, So It Shall Be"

After the Gorgon marched thru Cariele to reach the Five Peaks and after the Gorgon killed the old Mhor; undead plagued the weak points of Markazor. The Gorgon sued the Elves of Tuarhiele threatening war unless Prince Fhileraene came personally to negotiate peace. Prince Fhileraene has left his wife, the new Mhor Savane as the acting regent over the Court of Tuarhiele. This has split the time the new Mhor Savane can spend in her human realm and elf realm (not to mention dear reader, the differences in how time flows between the two realms). But with the even more recent news; it is any ones guess at what will happen next.

And what news could be more shocking than a ruler of an Anuirian Realm acting as the regent of an Elf Realm? Well that would be the death of a ruler dear reader. And what ruler would that be? Michael Mhoried, the Duke of Alamie, a maybe one time hope for the Iron Throne was murdered and his wife, Aubrae Avan was kidnapped. Aubrae would eventually be tracked down and recovered jut over the border in the province of Dhalaese, in the land of Boeruine. Aubrae is up in arms and acting as Duchess of Alamie is rallying her troops to war. The reunited city of Lofton-Haes is a twitter with soldiers, merchants, blacksmiths, and all the gears of war at work.

And what of the Prince of Avanil? Prince Darien Avan has been courting the royal family Alam. The head of the Alam family, Soraene married a daughter of Gavin Tael. Gavin Tael, as in the Baron of Ghoere, as in the now dead Baron of Ghoere. So when Soraene’s ties to the Tael family became worthless, how do I say this dear reader? Soraene has set up self up as an eligible bachelor again. So it would be short work to imagine that Soraene Alam might marry Aubrae Avan and claim the birthright that was his before Soraene’s father, the once Duke of Alamie was removed from power.

But dear reader there are a few more players left to go yet in the initiative order. The ever spectacular Archduke Aeric Boeruine has declared the murder of Michael Mhoried and the kidnapping of Aubrae as nothing more than a ruse designed to lure Boeruine and Avanil into war. The Archduke has moved an incredible number of troops, engineers, and workers into the mountains and passes of Perchalinn, Monsedge, and Ghonallison. The troops of the Archduke are digging in and laying traps. This build-up between the powers of the region might turn into war at any moment.

The King of Elinie has decreed a month long state of mourning as one of his paladin son whom has been slain. The King’s son died in the Iron Peaks fighting; according to one wizard who survived: the King’s son was killed by an unknown human riding a nightmare and the avatar of the Gnoll’s dark god. After the month of mourning the King of Elinie is planning on sending several thousand troops to the Iron Peaks to eliminate the Gnoll threat. The King has issued a decree and after the month of mourning the King is planning on hiring mercenaries and adventurers on masse.

And that dear reader is pretty much most of the major news I can think of off the top of my head dear reader. Well unless you pay attention to the rumor that a guild known as the Brother’s Investment Groupe is close to being able to have a trade chain that would extend the length of Anuire. The three primary holders of the B.I.G. are the Hero of the North, Sir Lancelot along with the Church of All and the Kingdom of the Southlands. But you do not pay attention to rumors; do you dear reader?

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