Monday, February 14, 2011

Small Part of a Lone Star Interview on INN

When the channel is changed to INN, the current program is running: it catches the attention of anyone working in the Shadows of Seattle.

Geraldo Rivera: Let me get this straight, even though you are a Private Military Contractor you still have to follow civilian protocol?

1st Lt. Blevins: That is right; we have to have two sources with at least one of them being our own before we can obtain a warrant.

Rivera: From what my sources tell me, Lone Star has a tough time securing warrants with so much corruption going on in City Hall.

Blevins: It is not my place to question the authority that hires Lone Star. Sure, sometimes we do not get the warrant we want. But we just keep an eye on the place and watch the rats scurry, we usually get what we want: one way or another.

Rivera: Fascinating. I guess my last question is when am I going on a bust with you?

Blevins: Well, for the sake of the cameras let just say soon. You hear that scum-bags of Seattle: Lone Star is coming from you!

Rivera: Excellent. I would like to thank 1st Lt. Frank Blevins of Lone Star Tactical and the Independent News Network. This is Geraldo Rivera bringing you the hard heat.

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